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Digital Showcase Policy

File Formats

Digital Showcase is open to scholarly and creative work in any digital format. Any type of file can be made available for download, including, but not limited to: documents, audio files, video files, image files, and presentation slides. 

The following considerations should be noted:

  • Full-text indexing of submitted works for the native Digital Showcase search function is available only for those works in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Adobe PDF (.pdf) format (the latter only if it is text-readable or able to have optical character recognition performed).
  • There is currently no formal limitation on the size of files accepted into/distributed through Digital Showcase; however, contributors are encouraged to limit file size to two (2) gigabytes.  Files which would prove difficult for users to efficiently download over slower Internet connections may be compressed and made available as a .zip file.
  • There is currently limited support for streaming media in Digital Showcase. If a contributor wishes a media file (audio or video) to be streamed in Digital Showcase, the file must be hosted by the contributor (on a personal or institutional server, YouTube, or Vimeo), and the link provided as part of the Digital Showcase deposit.
  • Future format migration will be performed as necessary/as possible. While there are no guarantees as to the persistent integrity of digital file formats, reasonable efforts will be made to maintain the integrity of .doc/.docx, .pdf, .html,  .xml, .gif, .jpeg, .tiff., .aiff, .wav, .mp3, .avi, .mpeg, and .mp4 files (see Preservation for further information).