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Digital Showcase Policy


The Digital Showcase contains several collections; some are well-established, while others are in development: 

  • Undergraduate Theses and Capstone Projects | This collection contains undergraduate research papers and projects, as well as Westover Honors theses from student researchers, completed at the University of Lynchburg.
  • Dissertations & Theses | This collection contains theses and dissertations completed by the University of Lynchburg's graduate and doctoral students. 
  • Student Scholar Showcase | Contains presentation materials from the Student Scholar Showcase conference. 
  • College Lake Collection | *Under development* Will contain images, historical documents, and research papers pertaining to College Lake and its history.
  • Cloverlea History Collection | *Under development* Will contain images, historical documents, and research papers pertaining to Cloverlea Farmhouse and its history.

*Note: University of Lynchburg journals and monographs are housed on the same platform, but governed separately by their own independent editorial policies.