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Digital Showcase Policy

Access Levels

By default, all content in Digital Showcase will be visible and fully accessible to public users—this includes both the metadata record and the full-text (i.e. complete digital content) for individual items. However, in certain circumstances, it may be necessary or appropriate to place access restrictions on individual items or content collections. For example, a publisher may require an embargo of six to twelve months before making a journal article publicly accessible.  Access restrictions in Digital Showcase may be requested during the submission process by an individual contributor or by the academic unit, or office, from which a content collection was produced.

There are currently two levels of access restrictions which may be requested:

  1. Limited Access: The full-text may only be downloaded from a computer within the IP range of the University of Lynchburg - generally on-campus or affiliated remote access.  
  2. Embargoed Access: The full-text of content is hidden for a specific window of time, but the bibliographic record is publicly visible.