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Advanced Research & Doctoral Dissertation


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  1. Go to Notion and click on the Try Notion free button

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We have created a Research Hub Template which you can reuse, rework, or remix to suit your own unique research needs! 

💡 IMPORTANT: Make sure that you are on the Research Hub homepage when you click Duplicate.  This will copy all of the nestled sub-pages while maintaining the built-in functions. 

Notion page with arrow to duplicate button

Once you have duplicated the Research Hub template to your own Notion account, you are ready to get started!

First Steps: 

  • Rename the Hub and pages as desired

Rename a page

  • Delete dummy entries on each page

Select all and delete dummy entries

  • Begin to enter your own new entries

     Adding a new entry

  • Customize the hub to suit your needs!
    • Add new pages to gain additional functionality: 
      • Notes
      • Research Journal
      • To-Do List
      • Timeline
    • Add, delete, or modify elements to better match your own research design! 

Notion offers different layout options (called "views") which allow you different ways to view and interact with your data. Each different view offers a variety of filters, groupings, and sort options.  You can create multiple views on each page, set unique filters for those views, and then tab between them seamlessly. This allows you to zoom out and see all of your data at once, or to create a filtered view which zooms in to one information source. 

There are 6 different view layouts available in Notion: 

  1. Table View is much like a standard spreadsheet with data entries organized in rows and columns. The type of information, formulas, etc. is set by clicking into the header row and editing the property
  2. Board View organizes entries into a Kanban-style board with cards that may be moved by drag-and-drop
  3. List View displays entries as a simple list
  4. Calendar View displays entries with date information as a calendar
  5. Gallery View displays entries as a grid of images and is well-suited for pages containing visual elements
  6. Timeline View displays entries with date information as a timeline or schedule

Tabbing between views

Each page in the Research Hub contains connections between the other pages.  This allows you to tag the literature, your own data, and research questions with codes that will later help you to synthesize your thesis.


You will experience these connections (called "relations") much like a drop down menu when you click in the field.  If you don't see the term that you want to select, simply type the desired word(s) and click the + New button in the window.  This easy process will automatically build the codebook page for you! 

Coding items in Notion

As you build your codebook you will see ideas connecting between the literature and your own research data, as well as the count (called a "rollup") of how many times that code has appeared. This enables you to see the emerging themes, and how prevalent each one is.  You can view each entry as an individual page or review all codes as a table.  Create a custom view to add new ways of interacting with your codebook! 

Notion is a flexible relational database which makes it suitable for collecting your own original research data if desired. The data page of the hub contains template entries for:

  • Survey Questions
  • Interviews
  • Primary Sources
  • Observations

However, this page can be customized further to meet your own specific needs by creating different template buttons, adding new columns, deleting unneeded columns, or renaming / reworking the existing columns! 


💡 TIP: If you do use this page for data collection, I recommend creating a view that filters for each unique source of information.  This will allow you to tab between the full view of your data, and the individual view of a specific source. 

Gif of adding and coding a new data entry