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Plagiarism Tutorial

Plagiarism is the lack of attributing intellectual ideas and creative works to their creator.

Plagiarism Defined

What is Plagiarism?


According to the University of Lynchburg's Student Handbook,  


Plagiarism occurs in written work and in oral/visual presentations in which the writer presents materials as his/her own that have originated with someone else. These materials include information, data, ideas, conclusions, words, sentence structures, images, movies, sounds, and music. Inadvertently neglecting to include quotation marks or accurate documentation with these materials is plagiarism as surely as knowingly copying another person’s writing and submitting it as one’s own. Because plagiarism presents another’s work as one’s own, it is unethical and dishonest and is therefore prohibited by the University of Lynchburg Honor Code.,University%20of%20Lynchburg%20Honor%20Code. (Emphasis added)