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Saxton Room Use Policy

Saxton Room Use

The University's collection of information/learning resources consists of a number of sub-collections, based upon factors such as format, age, or value.  Two sub-collections are the College Archives and Special Collections.  Both of these collections are maintained by the University Archivist. 

The Archives contain materials of historical significance to the College and University.  Special Collections consist of rare books, manuscripts, maps, faculty publications, and alumni publications.  These collections serve as a valuable resource for students, professors, present and past members of the Lynchburg community, and researchers not affiliated with the University.  To maintain proper security and control of Special Collections items, they are generally used only in the Saxton Rare Book Room.  The Archivist promotes use of Special Collections items in a variety of ways, including presentations to students and faculty in the room itself.

While the archives are housed in a number of locations within the Knight-Capron Library or are available online, the majority of items constituting Special Collections are housed in the Saxton Rare Book Room.

The principal purposes of the Saxton Rare Book Room are to both house Special Collections items and also serve as the location where individuals may use those items.  

Many items in the Saxton Rare Book Room are rare or quite valuable.  As such, they require special care.  Exposure to light, whether natural or fluorescent; changes in relative humidity or temperature; and a number of other facotrs contribute to an environment which is damaging to the materials housed in the room.  As a result, the climate in the Saxton Room is maintained by a separate climate control system.

Due to the room's specialized purpose and also the unique requirements necessary for maintaining a proper and secure environment, as well as the fact that users of Special Collections materials are accorded top priority, use of the room for other purposes is limited to non-recurring events.


  • The requestor submits an e-mail request to the Archivist.  The request should include the name of the event, date and time of the event, if food and beverages are to be served, expected number of attendees, name of faculty or staff member who will supervise the event, and the name of the contact person.
  • The Archivist will normally respond to the request within two business days
  • Requests should be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the event
  • If approving the request, the Archivist will submit information about the event to the University calendar