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Four Ways the Library Can Help with Your Course Syllabus

by Katie Glaeser on July 29th, 2021 in Accounting, Africana Studies, Archaeology, Art, Biology, Biomedical Science, Business, Chemistry, Classical Studies, Communication, Computer Science | Information Technology, Counselor Education, Criminology | Criminal Justice, Data Science | Statistics, Economics, Education, English, Environmental Science & Studies, French, Gender Studies, General, German, Health & Physical Education, Health Sciences, Health Sciences | Athletic Training, Health Sciences | Exercise Physiology, Health Sciences | Health Benefit Design, Health Sciences | Health Informatics, Health Sciences | Health Promotion, Health Sciences | Nursing, Health Sciences | Physical Therapy, Health Sciences | Physician Assistant (MPAM), Health Sciences | Public Health, Health Sciences | Sport Management, History, Intelligence Studies, International Relations | Security, Languages, Latin, Leadership Studies, Management, Marketing, Mathematics, Museum Studies, Music, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Pop Culture, Psychology, Religion, Sociology, Spanish, Theatre | 0 Comments

It's that time of year when our friends and colleagues in the faculty are refreshing and finalizing their course syllabi and online course materials.  Here are our best tips of the season to make sure that library content in your course reading lists works properly when you need it to! 

1. Test all of the content links in your syllabus and online courses

It is well-documented that online links are not reliable or stable long-term.  That's no different in the library world.  Test your links before classes start to prevent confusion and last-minute scrambling!  It is helpful to make a list of any broken links that need to be addressed. 

Rusty Chains

2. Use OneSearch to find fresh sources for any broken links

OneSearch searches most of the library's electronic databases, and is the best way to determine if we have alternate access to the articles, ebooks, or videos that you need.  Simply copy and paste the article title into the search box in order to see if and where that article lives in our databases.  Navigate to the full text from your search results and make note of any unavailable titles. 

Water Source

3. Use stable permalinks

Think twice before you copy the URL from your browser's address bar!  Those links are normally temporary and will expire and break shortly after you visit them!  To get links that will last, take a look at our faculty tutorial for how to generate stable permalinks to library content. Just know that permalinks should persist as long as the content is available to the library in that platform.  That means that even with permalinks, you still need to check your content links periodically! 

Stable rock tower

4. Address content that is no longer available

Databases frequently change their title lists, which means that an article we had last Spring may be gone in the Fall!  Search the library's collections for alternative titles, or talk to your liaison librarian to explore other options.

Picture of erosion

5. Add the library to your syllabus or online course!

We are here to help you and your students get to the content you need.  Visit our Faculty page for the library's copy-and-paste syllabus statement! 


  • Elleul, J. (2020). Source de la Cuisance [Image]. Retrieved 29 July 2021, from
  • Rock Formation Erosion Window Nature. [Image]. Retrieved 29 July 2021, from
  • Rust Sea Chains Rusty Old Ship. [Image]. Retrieved 29 July 2021, from
  • Stone Tower Rock Balance Sea. [Image]. Retrieved 29 July 2021, from Rock Formation Erosion Window Nature. [Image]. Retrieved 29 July 2021, from
  • Zittrain, J. (2021). The Rotting Internet Is a Collective Hallucination. The Atlantic. Retrieved 29 July 2021, from

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