The Knight-Capron Library has returned to pre-pandemic operations and is open to all with the stipulation that any visitor who has not been vaccinated must continue to wear a mask or face covering and maintain appropriate physical distancing. Some pandemic-related adaptations, such as Front Porch Pickup, and Online Research Appointments will be maintained due to their popularity.
We recognize that the situation is continually changing, and are prepared to adapt our services as needed for the health and safety of our patrons and employees. Please refer to this page, and to the University’s Fall 2021 Opening Plans for up-to-date information.
Research help is available online!
Here's how it works:
It's that simple!
The red Front Porch Pickup shelf next to the main entrance of the Knight-Capron Library is now the sole pickup point for Library items and interlibrary loans. Simply request your items via OneSearch or ILL using the steps below, and we’ll place them on the front porch for you to pick up.
How does it work?
Library staff will locate your material and will check it out to you. When you receive an “On Hold Shelf” email from the Library, your item is available for pickup on the Front Porch Pickup shelf.
Please email Jeff Harbin, Access Services Librarian, with questions or comments.