Religion: Human beings' relation to that which they regard as holy, scared, absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy of especial reverence. It is also commonly regarded as consisting of the way people deal with ultimate concerns about their lives and their fate after death. These concerns are expressed in terms of one's relationship with or attitude toward gods or spirits, while more humanistic or naturalistic forms of religion are expressed in terms of one’s relationship with or attitudes toward the broader human community or the natural world. Scared texts, prayers, meditation, or particular rituals are also often used by both believers and worshipers of a variety of religions. Worship, moral conduct, right belief, and participation in religious institutions are among the constituent elements of religious life.
Definition from Encyclopædia Britannica. (n.d.). Religion. Britannica Academic.
The Spiritual Life Center (SLC) provides services and support for the spiritual needs of all students.
University of Lynchburg has a diverse community with a over a dozen student spiritual life groups located on campus.
There are also a number of resources that are available to students, including Religious Accommodations, LGBTQIA+ Campus Resources, Sacred Spaces, and The Roger and Janie Dowdy Endowment for Initiatives in Peacebuilding through Spirituality and the Arts.
The Religion & Philosophy Collection is a comprehensive database covering such topics as world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy and the history of philosophy. With more than 300 full text journals and unparalleled coverage of the subject areas listed above, the Religion & Philosophy Collection is an essential tool for researchers and students of theology and philosophical studies.