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Music: MUSC 163

Music Resources

Research Skills

The research process has six steps, described below: 

Step 1 | Find a topic you're interested in.

Step 2 | Identify keywords connected to the topic.

Step 3 | Use these keywords to search for articles and books related to the topic in library databases or Google Scholar and scan them to see if they're relevant to your research.

Step 4 | Sometimes, your searches will lead you to change your research topic, which is okay; just go back to Step 2 and identify some new keywords.

Step 5 | Evaluate the sources you've gathered for accuracy and relevance to your topic and cite them properly.

Step 6 | Synthesize the sources you've evaluated into a clear, original thesis statement and write your research paper.

Research Process Infographic


These three words (And, Or, Not) are used as connectors between your search terms. They are Boolean Operators.

"And" | Narrows the number and focus of results, and results contain sources with all search terms. For example:

  • "child obesity" and Maryland 
  • "video games" and teens

"Or" | Broadens the number and focus of results, and results contain sources with any of your search terms. It's used with synonyms and related terms. For example:

  • obesity or overweight 
  • children or juveniles

"Not" | Narrows the number and focus of results and eliminates sources containing the term after "not". For example:

  • Washington not DC (for articles about the state.)
Boolean Searching Infographic


Determining if a source is credible and reliable can be challenging. Use the SIFT method to help you analyze information, especially news or other online media.

STOP | Do you know anything about the website or source of information you found? What about its reputation? It's purpose? You'll want to know these things before you read it, cite it, or share it on social media. 

INVESTIGATE THE SOURCE | It's important to know the expertise and agenda of your source. Try a Google search of the author or publisher to find out what others say about them. Open multiple tabs. 

FIND TRUSTED COVERAGE | Look for the best information on a topic or scan multiple sources to see what the consensus is. Find something in-depth and read about more viewpoints. Even if you don't agree with the consensus, it will help you to investigate further.

TRACE CLAIMS, QUOTES, & MEDIA | Is there a study or report mentioned in the article? Find the original report to see if it was accurately reported. What about images? A reverse-image search may be necessary. 

Evaluating Sources Infographic


Class Reading Lists

Button: MUSC 163 - Intro to Music Education


The music field poses some pretty unique challenges to research!  The purpose of these reading lists is to dive into course-specific resources and research tips.  

MUSC 163

MUSC 163 | Reading List

The resources below are trade journals recommended by Professor Craft for the students of MUS 163 - Introduction to Music Education. 

Google Scholar

Google Scholar | Off-Campus Access

Google Scholar helps you find relevant work across the world of scholarly research.  It allows you to find articles, theses, abstracts, and court opinions. Articles for which we have paid access will have @ University of Lynchburg linked in the margin.

When you are off-campus, Google Scholar will forget that we are your home library.  So, in order to keep finding University of Lynchburg resources, follow the steps below to set up your library links:

  1. Go to
  2. Click the menu icon
  3. Select settings from the list
  4. Click on library links
  5. Search for Lynchburg
  6. Select the University of Lynchburg
  7. Save

Google Scholar GIF

Get Help

The Knight-Capron librarians offer one-on-one research appointments, both in-person and online, to help you with your research projects. Click the button below to schedule! 

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Research Appointment

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The Wilmer Writing Center assists student researchers with remedial to advanced levels of writing in all fields.  Remember that even professional athletes need coaches! 

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Writing Center Appointment

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PASS leaders conduct group tutoring sessions multiple times a week and provide drop-in hours to meet individually with any student who would like more assistance.

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The Peer Academic Coaching (PAC) Program offers individual assistance to help you develop better organizational skills with course materials, study habits, and more. 

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Peer Academic Coaching Appointment

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The Math Engagement Center (MEC) offers tutoring, both in-person and online, for quantitative courses like Math and Statistics. 

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Jefferson Harbin
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